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Terry Pratchett opowiada kawał

Autor książek o Świecie Dysku opowiada na spotkaniu w Berlinie kawał. Zamiast napisów: A man goes into a pub, carrying an alligator under one arm. Puts it down on the table. And he says:"I've got a trick. I bet there's no one here who is prepared to do this." He opens the alligator's mouth reveals a certain part of his own...anatomy, which he places therein. And then he brings down his hand on the alligator's head, like this BAMM! He blinks a little while and then he says: "Is there anyone here prepared to do that?" There's a long pause, and then an old lady at the back of the pub gets up and says: "I don't mind giving it a try but you mustn't hit me so hard on the head."
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